
    Make a Payment

    Make a payment by phone

    Please call 888-385-9555 to make a one-time payment using our automated servicing system which is available 24-hours a day. You will need your loan account number and checking account and routing number or debit card number.


    Make a payment online

    You can make a payment online via our payment system website. You will need your DreamSpring loan account number and checking account and routing number. Online payments can be made at one time or more regularly by creating an account. If you believe the account is 30 days late, or need to make payment arrangements, please call us between 9AM and 5PM MST at 800-508-7624.


    Direct bank account debit

    You can authorize DreamSpring to automatically debit your bank account to make your regularly scheduled loan payments each month, right on time. Contact your loan officer or call 800-508-7624 to learn how, and learn more about ACH payments here.


    Mail a check or money order

    2000 Zearing Avenue NW
    Albuquerque, NM 87104

    (Write your loan account number on the check or money order)


    Make a principal-only payment

    You can make a principal-only payment by mailing a check or money order to our Headquarters, and be sure to include your loan number and a note requesting the funds be applied to principal only.

    You can mail the payment to:

    2000 Zearing Ave. NW
    Albuquerque, NM 87104

    If you have questions about a principal-only payment, contact our team at 800-508-7624.
